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Lemon Baked Mahi Mahi

  This 30-minute Paleo Lemon Baked Mahi Mahi recipe is baked with fresh herbs, olive oil and lemon which creates a yummy broth that’s perfect for drizzling over cauliflower rice. It only takes 6 ingredients to transform mahi mahi into ...

AIP Tabbouleh

  Now’s the perfect time to be looking to food as a source of immune-boosting nutrients. The great thing about these tabbouleh ingredients is that they are easily sourced and some are even easy to grow. Want to keep parsley ...

Prosciutto-Wrapped Salmon with Lemon and Herbs

You’re going to love this salmon recipe, not only because it has so much flavor but also because it’s so unbelievably quick to make. In fact it’s one of those meals that looks like you’ve gone to far more effort ...

Sheet Pan Lemon-Herb Lamb and Veggies

  This lamb recipe, like many of my recipes, was a happy accident one evening as I was trying to clean out the fridge and use up ingredients before they went bad. I abhor food waste (yes I meant to ...

Lemon Scented Roasted Vegetables with a Lemon Vinaigrette

  As if AIP roasted vegetables weren’t satisfying enough, add asparagus and radishes to the tray, toss them in some lemon — zest as well as juice — and you’ll be in heaven. Cauli rice with roasted veggies is nothing ...

Roasted Cabbage Wedges

Cabbage has never been one of my favorite vegetables. I know, it’s basically sacrilege for a southerner to not like coleslaw. But it often has a rubbery texture and bitter taste that can be off-putting even to people who aren’t ...

Oranges and Lemons Ice Cream

  I can feel that AIP ice cream season is upon us again. I know for some of you, ice cream is an all-round event but here in Vancouver, spring started out as cold and miserable so honestly it was ...

Garlic and Lemon Wilted Chard

  So, I have to admit that this “recipe” doesn’t feel very recipe-ish to me. Wilting swiss chard seems like cheating to me or too easy, but recently I shared my undying love for chard as my breakfast green of ...