AutoImmune Paleo Articles
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When it comes to living with a chronic medical condition, few things are as important as your support system. Whom you surround yourself with can have a dramatic impact not only on your mental health, but also on your physical ...

The AIP Freezer Cooking Guide

Today we are going to talk all about one of the most overlooked assets in an AIP kitchen – a freezer! Even if all you have access to is the average freezer section of your kitchen unit, today I’m going ...

How to AIP During a Pandemic

  At this point we all know there’s a global pandemic and most of us have been sheltering-in-place and practicing social distancing for at least a month, if not longer, in a collective effort to help take strain off our ...

Managing GERD Without Medications: Assessing and Addressing Diet and Lifestyle

GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) remains extremely common, affecting an estimated 40% of Americans on at least a weekly basis, despite widespread use of acid-suppressing therapies such as antacids, H2 blockers, and proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs). I have written previously (1) about ...

Real Plans + AIP: Amazing 2020 Updates!

If you’ve been following us for any length of time you already know that we think the Real Plans meal-planning software is the most genius organizational tool for anyone doing an elimination diet like the Autoimmune Protocol. (Seriously haven’t heard ...

10 Tips for Staying on the AIP Wagon

  Last year I wrote an article called, “What is AIP? The Definitive Guide,” and a comment was left there by a reader asking for similar in-depth guidance, but on the topic of “falling off the wagon.” That person said, ...

Four Ways to Eat Like a Nutrivore

Despite often being overlooked, nutrient density is without question the most impactful component of any way of eating, and it was for this reason that I decided on this topic for my newest book, The Nutrient-Dense Kitchen! Whether you find ...

I Can’t Try AIP Because I’m A Perfectionist

Are you a lurker? Have you been hanging around Autoimmune Wellness for a few months (or even longer!), but you still aren’t giving AIP a shot? Are you hanging out online with the AIP community, but feeling like an imposter, ...